Two of my favourite bits from the comedy on the BBC last Christmas

I'm wasting a lot of my time laughing at this stuff!
is frightful...
The view from my kitchen window is quite white today.  I'm glad I'm tucked up inside - poor Rachel she is out shopping.

I met up with a guy I met in the neuro rehab unit last night

He gave me a copy of this picture we took while we were there together.  
If pictures had music this would have 'Self preservation society' in true Italian Job style!


I’ve donated my face to Movember! Now I’m asking you to make a small donation to support my moustache and the 1 in 10 men that are diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

Thank you




Quite excited - a trip to MTC is in the diary for this afternoon!  Hopefully I'll be able to take some picture and will share them with you soon.

22.11.10> Update:  Link to pictures here
Rachel has bought paper so we are getting closer!




This week it has definately been cooler and the mornings are much darker.  Clocks go back tonight (30th) good news is the extra hour in bed, bad news is that the mornings will be even darker.  Will this be the last time; for green reasons, economic reasons, and scotish independance!, this is being reviewed.  Are you for or against daylight saving?

10:10's Carbon cutting campaign

End of GMT 'would boost economy' says Boris Johnson

A positive report for Scotland 
Well this morning i went to chuk some rubbish in the bin outside; was only going to b quick, so I was in my PJ's and bare footed.  It was quite unfortunate that I only had my office keys and not the keys to get back into my flat!  So how nnoyed at myself was I.  Well a neighbour called the locksmith, we had a good chat.  But it wasn't worth the $90 to get back in!